published on May 30th, 2010 in dating girl in kolkata tagged , ,

Source: Pasadena Star News, May 20, 2010

In today’s struggling housing market, it’s rare to see a new apartment complex come on line.  But, do something that is very different and focused on consumer health, you may just be delighted; essentially this is what Westgate Apartments in Pasadena, CA have achieved.   

Developed by the Sares Regis’ multi-family development division, the 480-unit community is transit-oriented, smoke-free and loaded with “green” features.

Westgate is located at 231 S. De Lacey Ave. in Pasadena’s historic district just two blocks from the Del Mar Station of the Metro Gold Line. The complex offers modern and spacious apartments with designer finishes amid a climate of upscale community amenities.

The new-era of modern urban planning and design has afforded Westgate owners a variety of green features, including 174 bicycle parking spaces clustered near elevator lobbies throughout the subterranean garage, two charging stations for electric vehicles, and preferred parking spaces for residents who take part in car-share and rideshare programs.

Westgate’s no-smoking policy has proven to be one of the development’s biggest selling points, and Jack Kyser, founding economist for the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corp. 

Green features and a non-smoking policy without raising rental rates!

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